Payment System

Hey, let's talk pay!
Our payment system is on a monthly basis. After we receive a check from the state, we will disburse payment to the provider within five working days. Example: If care were being done in the month of May, payment would be the last week of June or possibly the first week of July.
All state subsidized children are paid for whether or not they attend care for the day, if you, as their provider, are scheduled to have your daycare open.
As providers, you are required to keep attendance logs on all voucher/EEC children. Online billing is also available. We must receive these attendance logs in our office no later than the 2nd of the following month.
Kids Unlimited also offers educators state approved closures/professional development days. A list will be provided, as well as posted on our website. EEC also provides ten (PTO) paid time off days per fiscal year (July-June). These approved closures only pertain to the voucher/slot children that you have through our system.
If you have, any questions please feel free to contact us.